Publicado em
26 de Dezembro de 2022
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Quoting for over dimensional freight is not one size fits all.

There are a range of factors that go into your quote, from equipment to route planning and local fees and over dimensional permits.

Having a seasoned and trusted logistics partner is the most important factor.

Over dimenstional freight

When it comes to an over dimensional freight quote, make sure you’re considering these complex factors. Over dimensional freights aren’t just tricky to transport — they can be difficult to price. Factoring in so much more than just its height, width and weight by a base rate, your over dimensional freight quote takes a slew of factors and fees into consideration. Most importantly, it also includes the advice and expert route planning only a trusted and experienced transport and logistics company can provide. 

What is an over dimensional load?
An over dimensional freight can be categorized as anything that cannot be divided up into smaller loads so that it is not longer, wider, taller or heavier than what is normally permitted on the roads. This can range from anything from modular building units to specialty oil and gas equipment. 

What are the rules for over dimensional loads?
The height, length, width and weight restrictions for over dimensional loads vary between states. As a general rule of thumb, loads over the standard 8’-6” wide and/or 13’-6” high are considered over dimensional freights. And when it comes to length, it gets even more complex, as states with older, more narrow roads tend to have tighter restrictions and rules around over dimensional freights. 

By the way, we’ve just updated our state permits tool so you can reference exactly what is required by each state — check it out! 

So what is included in an over dimensional freight quote?
Besides paying for the truck and driver (which can also be complicated when it comes to over dimensional freight), there are other services built into the price of your over dimensional freight quote that ensure your shipment gets to its destination safely and on schedule. Let’s break it down. 

1. Your basic rate
As with any type of cargo, there’s a freight fee you can calculate by multiplying height, width and weight by a base rate. But, you’ll want to work with your logistics company to make sure you understand the other complex considerations that factor into base rate with over dimensional shipments.

2. Special trucks and equipment 
While some over dimensional freights can be transported using flatbed trailers, often we might need to consider special trailers that can handle exceedingly oversized or extremely heavy loads. Sometimes, we also need particular equipment and experts to get the over dimensional freight onto the trucks itself, which will also be reflected in your final over dimensional freight quote.

3. Distance
The distance your over dimensional freight has to travel is a major consideration in the price. If it’s just a few miles or can take a day, it will be an entirely different price than a multi-state transport or a trip that will take multiple days.

4. The number of states you’ll go through
Speaking of multiple states, DOT rules, regulations, permits and fees will vary from state to state. All of these are all taken into consideration in the route planning phase and will affect your over dimensional freight quote rate depending on the fees and coordination that needs to go into your trip.

5. Route planning 
Route planning is one of the most essential steps to ensuring that your over dimensional freight gets to its destination safely. Working with a logistics project manager, they will plan every detail of your route, learning not only what roads are fastest but safest, taking everything from steepness, narrowness and curvy stretches into consideration. 

Our experts are trained to think of the details you might miss, like the importance of factoring in bridges. For example, the weight of your over dimensional freight might exceed the limit for certain bridges. Your route plan will take that into consideration and send you in a direction that can withstand your load. A seasoned, skilled transport and logistics partner will consider all of these potential hazards ahead of time. 

Take our work for Digital Building Systems on the expansion of VCU Children’s Hospital in downtown Richmond, VA. Careful planning ahead for shipments among narrow, busy, one-way streets to an active hospital was paramount to our successful execution of this project’s logistics.

6. Pilot cars
Over dimensional freights almost always need a pilot car, so your over dimensional freight quote will include this as well. Also known as escort cars, pilot car drivers are professionals who guide your freight to its final destination safely. 

The pilot driver’s responsibilities are to:

Ensure travel is safe for the truck driver and other motorists
Prevent damage to the roads and infrastructure along the journey
Avoid damage to the High Stakes Freight™
Minimize delays, avoid traffic, and manage traffic flow
Prevent accidents and resulting increased insurance rates
Coordinate the movement of obstructions like wires, signs, or signals when necessary

Pilot cars come with their own set of fees ranging from height pole fees to overnight fees, all of which will be taken into consideration during the route planning and factored into your final over dimensional freight quote. 

7. Fuel costs
If fuel costs spike, you can guarantee that it will be reflected in your over dimensional freight quote. Unfortunately, rising fuel costs directly affect the operations of truck drivers and logistics teams, also eating into their bottom line. Because of that, fuel costs will always be a factor in your over dimensional freight quote. 

Get an over dimensional freight quote 
Our team at Stream Logistics works on over dimensional freight shipments every day. From expert route planning to ensuring you have the right permits and pilot cars, we’ll get you on the road safely while getting your shipment delivered on time and on budget. Reach out with details of your shipment if you’re looking for an over dimensional freight quote.

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